The FM/AM wave shader source code I used for the final clip and the image above is here.
Art: Drawbot
Update 12th
August 2012
So far I've been testing different drawing
techniques with the
drawbot, now I have some experience of what works I have a few projects
that I really want to work on.
Until then here's a roundup of the work I've done so far (more images here)
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New Eggbot Drawbot Software 1st
July 2012
I've updated my draft Eggbot-based
drawbot software, you can find the Processing sketch here.
The previous
work I did with the drawbot was a limited case, drawing
hard-coded circles and spirals from StippleGen
output, whereas I've always wanted to have something more general.
[Image above is of the
Pioneer plaque, the adapted SVG file is included in the download and is
a public-domain image sourced here]
I've used the geomerative
library to read the SVG data, split out each shape and polygonise it
for drawing so I hope that this will now be a reasonably solid Eggbot
drawbot sketch.
Eggbot Drawbot... in Colour 24th
June 2012
I've been working on a drawbot based on Eggbot and
Sandy Noble's
Polargraph for probably a year or so, if not more. I've finally cracked
the accuracy problems that have plagued it for most of that time and
the point where it became useful coincided with StippleGen being
released by Evil Mad Scientist, able to produce beautiful stipple
patterns for Eggbot.
I've adapted some Processing code to run the
stipple patterns StippleGen produces on the drawbot and today I tried a
new trick - colour!
3D Printed Music Box Records 2nd
April 2012
Some time ago we bought a Fisher-Price music box
record player for
the kids and I wondered if it would be possible to make new
records for it.
3D printing offered a way but I needed to
put in quite some work and develop quite a few bits of code to get the
model. This post will cover how I did it.
5D Data Visualisation 23rd
November 2011
For a while I've been interested in visualisation
data. It's something that I have to deal with every day at
work and I've tried to learn from many of the people active in this
field, not least Ben Fry (one of the creators of Processing and author
of the excellent "Visualizing
Data") and Edward R Tufte (if you're
interested in this data visualisation I would recommend you buy all
beautiful books)
My main problem is this: how can I see the
response of a system (in my case an aircraft concept design) when I
change its inputs? It's not an uncommon
problem by any means but for me the complexity comes from the
number of
inputs and outputs that I'd like to be able to see & understand.
to our local Christmas
craft fair,
I've made a few Christmassey designs but I really wanted to be able to
take a picture and draw people's faces on Christmas decorations 'live'
on the day.
I've found a way to do it with Processing and a
"Eggplot" - Eggbot-based plotter 1st
September 2011
A project that I've been desperate to try for a
while: convert Eggbot from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories into a
This isn't a plotter that works with X-Y axes,
rather it's a plotter that works by hanging
a pen assembly from a string passing over two motor spindles.
have no idea what this kind of plotter is called if in fact it has a
I entered the (now closed) Shapeways
ICFF competition recently and I was very excited to
see my entry on the Shapeways front page:
I've seen the other
entries so I don't have much hope of winning but it's really
cool to see it up with some really excellent designs!
Printing Photos in 3D 13th
March 2011
of the 3D printing projects that I've had the most satisfaction from is
a Processing sketch to convert 2D photos into a model that can be 3D
printed. This isn't a 3D model of what's in the photo, rather
it's a way of representing the photo itself with a 3D printed model.
I describe 2 different techniques in this post and
you'll find the source code for the sketches at the end...
London to Bristol, a Slit Scan Photo 9th
January 2011
while back I took a train journey from a town north of London to
Bristol. I had my netbook along with me and had planned to
get a
bit of recreational coding done.
In the end I started playing
around with the examples on one of the Processing libraries I'd not
used very much before - the excellent GSVideo. The example
was a
slit scan program and I used it to make a composite picture of the
entire journey from London Paddington to Bristol Temple Meads.
The intention of this project was to see if I
could develop
a desktop-size wind tunnel that might be usable in schools or colleges.
By background I'm an aerospace engineer and I thought that
might be somewhere I could add some value.
I did manage to get a
working wind tunnel although I didn't manage to get some of the
experiments I'd hoped for working. I made the tunnel with
laser-cut plywood from Ponoko
and the models for the test section were all 3D printed at Shapeways.
One of the nice things about Processing is the
number of
contributed libraries available. I used the traer physics
(should be here
but was down when I last checked - you can use the toxi
utilities libraries instead if traer physics is not available now) to
simulate masses moving under gravity towing another mass, not
interacting gravitationally, on a spring. With random
for the start positions and velocities some nice pictures came up, all
I had to do was mark the positions of the masses and springs each frame
- it's that process that I used to create the graphics in the banner at
the top of the page.
Pictures were interesting but I've also been
able to get a 3D
as well (depending on how picky you want to be it could be argued that
it represents a time history of a simulation in 3D space and so might
be described as 4D..)
For a long time this has been the place I've
put graphics based on
the books of Iain M Banks; I'm pleased to say
that will still be the case (see the links on the right hand side) but
I've added some new content.
Now this website will also contain information
on projects I've undertaken, programing I've done (with links to any
code I release) and art and design that I'd like to share.
hope you find it interesting, I'll be adding content as I go.
The new material will deal with the things I've
done with Processing, graphics, art and design. Wherever I
can I'll release code or at least give examples - I'd like to share the
enjoyment that I've had creating these projects in the hope that it
might inspire you to create something yourself - if you do please let me know
- Iain Banks Graphics
All of the content from my Iain M Banks website, now
shifted to be a section in this one
- Links & Resources:
@fastness on twitter
An open source programming tool aimed at artists,
engineers and designers. Simple, light and Java-based with a
wealth of libraries and a strong user community
printing for the masses - plastics and metal to your design or team up
with a desigenr to personalise a design with a 'co-creator'.
Visit my Shapeways
shop for some things I've designed.
MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible
system for the processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular
is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all
major operating systems under the GNU General Public License
GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a
freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo
retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many
operating systems, in many languages
An Open Source vector graphics editor, with
capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the
W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format
Retail laser cutting outlet with centres in New
Zealand, USA, Germany, Italy and the UK (if not more by now)